Curcupet-K9 trial pack Trial pack

CURCUPET-K9 Trial Pack

Curcupet-K9 trial pack

Trial pack

2 weeks supply TRIAL PACK of CURCUPET-K9
based on the weight of your dog.
Australian customers only
Limit of one trial pack per customer.



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201 reviews

Roy our 15 year old kelpie is more active since being on the trial pack. We saw an improvement in his movements after 7 days and hope he continues to have better mobility.


Our 11 year old French Bulldog Indi was diagnosed with hip arthritis. When I would take her for a walk she would only walk a few houses down, stop and turn back and limp home. It was heartbreak. We started using Curcupet K9 approx 1 year ago and with a combination of good diet and other natural remedies, Indi now pulls us to the park and runs like she's a puppy again.


My girl is 12 1/2 and is slowing down a lot, joint issues and lethargic. I still walk her every day for about an hour but I was almost dragging her the last 15 minutes. I tried the free sample and noticed the spring in her step and was even finding a ball at home and dropping it at my feet. I have been using it now for about 3 months and ran out last week. I had ordered more but in those few days I saw the difference in her going back to hardly even walking and sleeping all day. I didn't notice the difference until I stopped using it so I will make sure I continue to use these tablets its made such a difference to her quality of life. Its also so easy to put into food you don't have to shove a pill down their throat every day, I am very happy so far, thank you :)


I recently purchased the trial pack for Charlie who had a major leg surgery as a pup and is now 4-1//2 years old and suffering arthritis, within a day I notice how he suddenly was moving more and after several days no longer holding his sore leg up and has more zest for life again. Seems to be a fantastic product and plan to give it to my other dog who also has a slight hip problem. My groomer suggested the product and I am so glad she did.


This works and replaces other anti inflammatory medications. My 12 yo Bassett is obviously feeling better on this. I highly recommend this product, it is definitely worth a try.


Have just finished the trial pack for my nearly 11 year old Jack Russell and the results have been great. He's no longer stiff getting out of bed in the morning and can now enjoy more time at the beach chasing his ball, without the pain and hobbling afterwards. He's always lived near the beach and lives for the beach and his ball. Thank you for giving my dog a new lease on life and a renewed spring in his step. Will definitely be putting in another order.
